Students at Blessed Sacrament School are taught to be contributing members of the community. Service to others is something every Christian is called to do. 8th Grade students are the Servant Leaders of the school, serving the school and community with required service hours.
BSS students contribute to their community in many ways:
Students bring a small monetary donation on dress down (out of uniform) days, which is designated for various charities. Student Council votes for the designated charity.
Each December, students participate in BSS Gives Back Week. All classes find a way to give back to people in our community. Cookies to the Fire and Police Departments, placemats for Meals on Wheels, holiday treats for the Food Pantry and Christmas ornaments for our Hillcrest Ave. neighbors.
Supports Alamance County Foster Children's Christmas fund, providing gifts to county foster children who otherwise would have no Christmas gifts
Participate in the St Jude's Math-a-thon to raise funds for St Jude's Children's Hospital
Collect change during Lent in Rice Bowls to provide for those less fortunate
Donate canned and non-perishable goods to the Little Portions Food Pantry in Burlington. They also take field trips to assist in bagging donated goods.